Zhang Violin Method - Revolutionising Violin Teaching with Modern Technology
For over 60 years, Professor Zhang has dedicated his life to researching and perfecting the art of violin teaching. In recent years, he has focused on integrating modern technology into his teaching method, recognising the tremendous potential it has to revolutionise the traditional model of violin teaching.
With the advent of the internet, Zhang's violin teaching method and resources are now available to teachers and students worldwide. He firmly believes that this approach will lead to a qualitative leap in violin playing level.
Experience the Magic of the Zhang Violin Method
Zhang’s modern violin teaching method, aided by technology, has produced amazing results for his students, regardless of their skill level or background. The parents of Zhang's students have commented on the tremendous improvement in their children's violin playing after utilizing his teaching method.
Teaching Video Resources
Zhang’s teaching video resources are carefully designed to enable violin students to learn effectively and efficiently. For performing pieces, the videos are divided into six steps:
- Conversation with the teacher and parents: In this step, Zhang explains how he teaches a particular piece, outlining the performance method and principles to be developed from the piece.
- Slow tempo and separate phrases: Zhang’s approach emphasises learning through phrases, which he believes is the most effective way to establish correct performance habits and develop a strong foundation for future performers. The videos include the music notation, and each note is pointed out in the video, allowing students to improve their sight-reading ability as they practice.
- Slow tempo with a metronome: Control of rhythm is crucial in music, and this step is designed to help students achieve a high degree of control over the rhythm.
- Slow tempo with piano: The difference between piano accompaniment and a metronome is that the former adjusts to the needs of the music, enhancing the violin melody under the piano’s harmonic sound. Learning with a piano at a slow tempo is, therefore, essential.
- Normal tempo with piano: This step is crucial to preparing the student for stage performance.
- Piano-only accompaniment: This final step is the ultimate preparation for stage performance.
Etude Studies
For etude studies, Zhang has developed a four-step approach, including speaking to teachers, demonstrating by different clauses, slow tempo demonstration, and normal tempo demonstration. Zhang has written two books "Etude Selections for Violin," comprising 138 etudes split into at least ten phrases study. Each etude study comprises four groups of video documents, totalling 672 documents, and there are 1380 video documents for all 138 etudes.
Zhang has also created many concerto study videos, each involving at least six phrase study steps, metronome, and piano accompaniment in different tempos.
Zhang’s dedication to perfecting his teaching method over 60 years has led to the development of a comprehensive and effective approach to violin teaching that utilizes modern technology to enable violin students to learn efficiently and effectively. His teaching video resources are a valuable asset to violin teaching, and his approach has produced amazing results for his students. The Zhang Violin Method is revolutionising violin teaching, and its benefits are accessible to students and teachers worldwide.